Think! Dreamtest! IQ-test!
Personality-test! A little poem!

� If everything was exactly the other way, everything would be as usual.
� To believe in the Big Bang (that Universe was created by a big explosion) is the same thing as believeing that an explosion in a printingoffice would result in a book.
� If your grandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandfather's parents and all the other generations downwards hadn't decided to get a child, you wouldn't exist.
� Isn't it strange that the human knows how to fly, but can't, while the bumble-bee can fly, but doesn't know how it can?
� What came first - the hen or the egg?
� If we would be able to understand our brains, our brains would be so stupid that we wouldn't be able to understand them!
� You can laugh at death, but not at the things that keep you alive.
� God couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers.
� You either control your attitude, or let it controls you.
� Heroes do the necessary, even though there are consequenses.
� Best friends can do anything or nothing, and still have a ball.
� Maturity has more to do with your experiences than the number of birthdays you've celebrated.
� The world keeps on going even though your heart is crushed.
� Don't try to figure out secrets, they can change your life forever.
� Two people can look at one thing and apprehend it in different ways.
� Your whole life can be changed over night by people you've never met.
� Empty barrels rattle more than others.
� The one who digs a hole for others, often falls within it himself.
� Don't expect anything, and you won't be disappointed.
� Would there be anything good, if there was no evil?
� "The first person who put fence around a piece of ground and said "this is mine", and who found people dumb enough to believe him, that's the true leader of the society." (Rousseau)
� Research is seeing what everyone's already seen and thinking what nobody's thought.
� If you don't think you have to do anything about the problems in this world, you're one of them.
� Keep your own doorstep clean before you complain at your neighbour's.
� A fire at your neighbour's is your buissness too.
� You're responsible for what you say, but also the things you keep to yourself.
� To not have any hope, that's unhappiness.
� The same sun melts the wax and hardens the mud.
� It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches some rats.
� A broken rope can be tied together, but the knut is still there.
� The man is the only animal who can flush - and has a reason for it.
� We admit our small mistakes to convince ourselves that we don't have any large ones.
� We haven't inherited the earth from our parents, we've borrowed it from our children.
� It's hard to be a hero when nobody's watching.
� The cat is a wild animal in the eyes of little mice.
� Isn't it strange that the ones who talk the most have very little to talk about.
� To know nothing is hard, but to know everything would be terrible.
� Why look like everbody else when there's so many people who look that way?
� Knowlidge is power.(Francis Bacon)
� No burden is to heavy for the one who can get help with it.(an african proverb)
� Backs can speak as well as silence.
� The one with a messy home may be happier than the one who can't have it that way.
� You've always got time for what you want do do.(Julius Lange)
� Don't believe everything you see, and doubt half of what you hear.
� Music is the language of the world.(H.W. Longfellow)
� I'd rather have a bad memory, than bad memories.
� There's a woman behind every successful man.
� We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen more and talk less.
� To come to the source you have to swim towards the stream.
� Everyone wants to live a long time, but noone wants to be old.

URL: http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/dopehead/243/
Email: [email protected]
Made for Netscape Communicator 4.5 (17 inches screen)